Starting my workout journey

Ever since I was a kid I was always very active. I loved to run around, climb and just be outside for hours. I got nicknamed a monkey from how often I would hang from monkey bars as well as climb on top of them. Although, I never knew much about health or fitness I knew I liked being active.

I loved the games we played in elementary school. They were so simple and yet so effective to keep me running around and active. If I had my way I would be learning a million new things or reading. I was always wanting to learn over anything else.

Middle school was when there was all the testing and I really wanted to learn about health and wellness. You remember health class with the healthy eating pyramid right? As a kid of course you try to eat all the time and don’t care if it is super healthy or not I know I was that way. I did find out that I enjoyed weights and strength training more than cardio. I dreaded doing the pacer test. Having to run back and fourth every time your hear the beep. I believe it was around 7th grade when I really saw the muscle definition show especially in my legs. My stomach was stronger and I had the beginning to a four pack of abs. I was so happy and loved taking photos showing the definition.

High school is when I was finally able to take a gym class of my choice and really get into pushing my body and seeing how much I could leg press, bench and lift weight wise. I started to care more about what I ate and how I looked. I wanted to be in shape. I didn’t want to just be skinny or look good for others. Being healthy and in shape physically made me happy. I kept working and trying to figure out my fitness goal. I never had just one main goal, it was always a new tiny one. Go from lifting five pounds to lifting ten. It is what got me to where I am today.

I am still making many small goals as well as my main goal to tone up overall. I am very happy to share my journey with all of you! I hope that I can inspire some and motivate others. Even if I don’t do either at least my blog can be enjoyed for the content.